How to BEVEL an OBJECT in Blender


In this article we see the procedure to bevel a model in Blender on an edge and on multiple edges. The bevel is an oblique cut on one or more edges of a model.

Bevel on one edge

To make a bevel on an edge we have to be in the edit mode, then we select the edge, press CTRL+B and move the mouse slightly, with this we get a result as in figure 2, we can change the size of the bevel by moving the mouse to one side or the other, when we have the result we want we click to confirm.

3d model of a cube with a selected edge in Blender
Fig. 1: An edge of the model is selected for beveling.
beveling of a 3d model in blender
Fig. 2: Press CTRL+B to bevel the selected edge.

When confirming the bevel, a window with options appears in the lower left corner of the 3D view window, where we can change different parameters such as bevel width, subdivisions, among others.

In figure 4 I increased the number of segments to 4 and reduced the Shape parameter, which made the cut on the part have the curvature shown in figure 5.

bevel options window of a 3d model in blender
Fig. 3: When applying the bevel, a window with options appears in the lower left corner.

bevel options window of a 3d model in blender
Fig. 4: In the bevel window, the segments and the bevel shape have been changed.
3d model with bevel in blender
Fig. 5: The result of applying the parameters in the window of the previous figure.

Bevel on multiple edges

If we select two or more edges and press CTRL+B the bevel is made on all edges and normally taking as reference the midpoint of the selection, depending on the pivot point we have selected.

beveling of a 3d model in blender
Fig. 6: Press CTRL+B to bevel the selected edge.
beveling all edges of a cube in blender
Fig. 7: Beveling of the cube with all edges selected.

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