The scale of an object is the property that is related to the dimensions of a 3D model and it is something to pay attention to for several reasons, having models with non-normalized scales can bring us problems in physical simulations or in the UV mapping of textures. In case we are building a 3D environment with other models where it is important that the distances and size differences between objects are consistent, we will have to pay extra attention to the scale of the objects.
In this article we are going to see how to normalize the scale of a 3D model in Blender, but before reading on I leave you with a video in which I show the 3D modeling process I use and mention several things I keep in mind, among them the importance of the scale of 3D models:
All the IMPORTANT information is summarized in the following TUTORIAL FROM MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL
How to normalize the scale of a 3D model in blender
We start with a 3D model with the unnormalized scale as shown in Figure 1, that cube has a scale of (5.414 , 3.813 , 2.463) which makes us think that it has experienced different scale transformations while in Object Mode.

To normalize the scale of the model what we must do is to select it in the object mode and “Apply the scale“, with the shortcut CTRL+A the ” Apply” window appears as shown in figure 2, click on apply to normalize the scale.
With this we are indicating that this 3D model is located in the scene in its real size. As seen in Figure 3, the scale of the model is now (1,1,1).