In this article we see how to draw the outline on the edges of 3D models in Blender, using the Freestyle tool within the Render Properties.
You can configure the thickness of the outline and apply modifiers to it, you can also choose the color of the outline or use a modifier, for example a random noise generetor that allows you to randomly choose between different colors.
There is a video tutorial on this topic:
Let’s start with a basic 3D model with a camera that is pointing towards it, if we press F12 we will get a render of the scene from the prespective of our camera, as we can see in the following two images.

Now, we can easily add an outline to our 3D model going to the render Properties by activating the freestyle checkbox.

If we make a render again we will see that the outline is being generated on the edges of our 3D model.

You can quickly modify the thickness of the outline using the thickness variable inside the Freestyle section:

And in the View Layer tab you will find several options to apply to the outline, for example you can where to draw the outline along with other parameters like color and effects.
For detailed information check the video above.

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