How to make a rotation animation in Unity


This solution for Unity consists of a script that can be assigned to any GameObject in the hierarchy and will produce a customizable rotation animation and also a translation movement according to the parameter settings in the inspector.

The movement is produced using a sine function, in the inspector you can adjust the values of amplitude and frequency.

Download the Unity Package: Rotation-Translation script

🟢 How to make a rotation-translation animation in Unity using this package

In the following video you can see examples on how to make a rotation animation in Unity using the package you can download in this page.

How to use the Rotation-Translation Script

1. Download and import the Rotation and Translation Animation Package.

2. Select the GameObject to which you want to apply the animation.

3. Assign the “RotationTranslationAnimation” script to the GameObject by dragging it to the inspector or with the Add Component button.

4. Adjust the parameters to achieve the desired effect, these include the rotation axis, rotation speed, vertical movement amplitude and frequency.

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