Using GitHub you can have your projects backed up on the cloud, collaborate with others or just access to your projects from different computers.
In this article we will see how to use GitHub desktop to clone a Unity project from a GitHub repository, it’s a super easy process that doesn’t require you to learn console commands, just make a few clicks on GitHub Desktop. When you clone a Unity project from GitHub you get the project files in the location you indicate, so you will also need to add that project in Unity HUB.
There is a video tutorial on this topic:
Clone a Unity project from a repository step-by-step
- First of all you need to create a GitHub account.
- Then you need to download GitHub Desktop, a software that allows you to easily work with Git without using console commands, which could be difficult to set up and learn how to use. With GitHub Desktop you will be able to perform most of basic Git operations and it’s a nice way to start.
- Install GitHub desktop and log into the account created in the first step.
- Find the link of a Unity project repository you want to clone. Here you have two of my repositories for testing:
GDT Solutions for Unity
In this repository you will find a collection of solutions like a drag-and-drop first person controller or how to change from one scene to another in Unity.
Escape from the maze
The Unity project files of a mini game where you have to find a set of objects randombly hide inside a maze in order to get the key that opens the gate to escape from the maze.—Escape-from-the-maze.git
- Inside GitHub Desktop go to File > Clone Repository, select the URL tab and paste the link of the GitHub repository you want to clone.

- Choose a folder where you want to store the project files, in my case I have a Unity folder where I have all my projects and I would use that folder because we are cloning a Unity repository, but you could choose any folder you want.
- After the process is finished, we already have the files in the location we indicate and as you can see these files correspond to a Unity project, so for the next step let’s open Unity HUB and add a project from disk.

- Select the folder of the project and press Add Project, so now you already have the project in your Unity HUB and you can open it to check the solutions.
How to keep a repository updated
I will be adding more solutions to the GDT Solutions for Unity repository and also keep this project updated with the latest Unity’s LTS version. So if you want to receive new solutions make sure to follow my GitHub account and also watch the repository.
To look for new updates go to GitHub desktop, make sure you are in the right repository, discard all unnecesary changes, click here to refresh and if a new Update is available just press “Pull” and wait to the process is finished.

Then go back to Unity and reload the scene if necesary, that way you could receive new solutions that I will be making from time to time.
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