When we are Rigging and creating animations in Blender it is useful to be able to visualize the animation bones in front of the 3D model to make it easier to select and manipulate them, in this article we will see how to make bones always appear in front of everything, regardless of whether there are other objects in front of them.
All the IMPORTANT information is summarized in the following TUTORIAL FROM MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL
We start with a 3D model and its respective Armature object (animation skeleton), as shown in figure 1 the Armature is barely visible in solid mode, so let’s switch to Wireframe mode to be able to see and select the Armature, as shown in figure 2.

With the Armature selected we go to the properties window with the icon shown in figure 3 and in the “Viewport Display” section we check the “In Front” checkbox.

Now the animation bones are always visible from any perspective no matter if they are inside the model or even if there are other objects in the scene in front of them, making Armature easy to use.