#5 Create the user interface with Canvas.

Updated information about this project

This article belongs to a series that consist on making a first person game about finding objects inside a maze. It’s one of my very first series from the channel. Now I reworked this project and you can download it to import in your own Unity project. Some day I will make a new series about this project, subscribe to my channel to see all the fresh content about Blender, Unity and programming.

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Introduction of the old article

In this article we are going to analyze in detail the video 5 of the labyrinth series, in this video we create a simple interface with the minimum functionality so that the user can interact with the game.

This article covers the design of the graphical interface, the programming of the operation is done in the following article.

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Video related to this article

User interface

The user interface of our game will allow the player to configure parameters such as resolution, volume, load and save games, start playing, see your score and so on.

In our case we will focus on making a graphical interface with the minimum functionality we need for the project, which is first a “Main Menu” where the game starts and from there we can start the game.

The second thing we need is a graphical interface that is shown while we are playing, for the moment we want to visualize the countdown.

User interface functionality

What we’re going to do is create a Canvas type GameObject that is a basic element in the GUI and then two empty GameObjects that will contain all the elements of the main menu and the game.

When the game starts the graphical interface of the main menu will be active, which will only show us a button to start the game.

Pressing the button will turn off the graphical interface of the main menu and turn on the game which shows the remaining time to complete the mission.

When the game is over, we’ll turn off the game’s graphical interface and turn on the main menu interface again.

This way we don’t need a second separate scene for the game and we can solve everything in the same scene.


Before we start making the graphical interface we will create a prefabricated object of the door to be able to replicate easily. We took the scene as it was at the end of the previous video (figure 1) and eliminated three doors and three points of appearance.

escena de unity 3d con 4 portales y un suelo de cesped, a la derecha la jerarquia de unity 3d
Fig. 1: Estado de la escena al final del video anterior. Se borran tres puertas.

We take the point of appearance we have left and make it the son of the door.

escena de unity 3d con 1 portal y un suelo de cesped, a la derecha la jerarquia de unity 3d
Fig. 2: The spawn points are also eliminated by leaving one.
jerarquia de unity 3d con algunos objetos
Fig. 3: Take the spawn point and make it the child of the door.

Then we take the GameObject Gate from the hierarchy and drag it to the Prefabs folder of our project, with this we create a prefab that we can place as many times as necessary in our game.

Ventana Project de Unity 3D en la que se ven algunas carpetas, un skybox y un prefab de una puerta
Fig. 4: Taking the GameObject from the hierarchy we create a Prefab.
escena de unity 3d con 2 portales y un suelo de cesped, a la derecha la jerarquia de unity 3d
Fig. 5: This allows you to replicate the GameObject as many times as you like.

We are going to create a camera that will be initially active for when we show the graphical interface of the main menu.

This camera will be turned off when the game starts so that it doesn’t conflict with the camera included in the character’s prefab.

jerarquia de unity 3d con algunos objetos, crear camara en unity 3d
Fig. 6: In the hierarchy we create a camera that will be active in the main menu.

User interface design

Now we begin to create the necessary elements for the graphical interface. First a Canvas where the elements will be placed.

crear canvas en unity para hacer una interfaz grafica. jerarquia de unity 3d con algunos objetos, crear objeto vacio en unity 3d
Fig. 7: In the hierarchy we created a GameObject type Canvas for the user interface.

Como se dijo en la introducci贸n, creamos dos Empty GameObjects para que contengan los elementos de cada pantalla.

crear empty object en unity para hacer una interfaz grafica. jerarquia de unity 3d con algunos objetos, crear objeto vacio en unity 3d
Fig. 8: In the hierarchy we create two Empty GameObjects.

Vamos a nombrar a estos objetos “MainMenu” y “Game” para identificarlos f谩cilmente, como se observa en la figura 9.

jerarquia de unity 3d con algunos objetos
Fig. 9: One empty object is called Main Menu and the other Game.

Right-click on the GameObject “Main Menu” to create a button.

crear bot贸n en unity para hacer una interfaz grafica. jerarquia de unity 3d con algunos objetos, crear objeto vacio en unity 3d
Fig. 10: For the main menu we create a button to start the game.

To see our graphical interface, in the tab “Game” we will select an aspect ratio 16:9.

selecci贸n de la relaci贸n de aspecto de la ventana juego en unity 3d para visualizar la interfaz gr谩fica.
Fig. 11: We adjust the game view to have a 16:9 aspect ratio.

Inside the button we have like son a GameObject type text, we are going to select it to modify it in the inspector.

texto de un boton en unity 3d, crear una interfaz grafica. jerarquia de unity 3d con algunos objetos
Fig. 12: Select the GameObject text that is the child of the button.

Type “Start Game” in the text field shown in figure 13 on the right.

inspector de unity 3d con un gameobject tipo texto seleccionado. Escena de juego con un atardecer, suelo de cesped y un boton que dice start game.
Fig. 13: In the inspector we can configure the text of the button.

Using the basic tools we can position the button on the screen.

ventana partida de unity 3d en una ventana se ve la escena y en la otra el juego, con esto se visualiza la interfaz gr谩fica.
Fig. 14: Position the button on the screen.

When entering the game mode we see that the button has an animation when you press it, but of course it still does not perform any action.

interfaz gr谩fica simple del juego en unity 3d. bot贸n start Game. escena de juego con un atardecer, suelo de cesped
Fig. 15: When testing the game, the button has an animation for the pressed one, but does nothing yet.

Let’s give the button the name “StartButton” to easily identify it in the hierarchy.

jerarquia de unity 3d con algunos objetos
Fig. 16: Rename the button to make it easier to identify.

The next thing we do is create a text type GameObject, this time as a child of the “Game” object.

crear texto en unity para hacer una interfaz grafica. jerarquia de unity 3d con algunos objetos, crear objeto vacio en unity 3d
Fig. 17: We created a text type GameObject for the game interface.

In the inspector we write any value with the time format, only to visualize it on screen. Later we will modify the text using C# code.

inspector de unity 3d con un gameobject tipo texto seleccionado. Escena de juego con un atardecer, suelo de cesped y un boton que dice start game.
Fig. 18: We write a time value in the text. Then we will program the operation.

In addition to writing the text we can do other actions such as center, change the size of the font, font type, color and so on.

inspector de unity 3d con un gameobject tipo texto seleccionado. Escena de juego con un atardecer, suelo de cesped y un boton que dice start game.
Fig. 19: Center the text using the options in the inspector.

We choose a font size that fits the button well.

inspector de unity 3d con un gameobject tipo texto seleccionado. Escena de juego con un atardecer, suelo de cesped y un boton que dice start game.
Fig. 20: We modify the size.

With the GameObject “Game” selected, at the top of the inspector we have a button that allows you to enable and disable it (figure 21), this makes it show or not in the graphical interface.

We will use this property from the C# script to program the behavior of the GUI.

inspector de unity 3d con un empty gameobject seleccionado. Escena de juego con un atardecer, suelo de cesped y un boton que dice start game.
Fig. 21: Using the button at the top of the inspector it is possible to disable the GameObject.

Adaptation to different screen resolutions

How to make our game look good in any screen resolution is not a minor problem.

There are several ways to approach this issue, for example we could create a different user interface for each resolution, then using a c# script we could detect what type of resolution the device has and show the appropriate graphical interface.

In this video we use a component that is assigned to the Canvas and is called “Canvas Scaler”, canvas climber.

This component will make the graphical interface bigger or smaller depending on the screen resolution. For the moment this will help us.

inspector de unity 3d con un gameobject tipo canvas seleccionado. Escena de juego con un atardecer, suelo de cesped y un boton que dice start game.
Fig. 22: Select the GameObject Canvas in the hierarchy and observe its parameters in the inspector.

Display the “UI Scale Mode” menu which by default is in “Constant Pixel Size” and select the “Scale With Screen Size” option.

inspector de unity 3d con un gameobject tipo canvas seleccionado. Escena de juego con un atardecer, suelo de cesped y un boton que dice start game.
Fig. 23: The UI Scale Mode option selects Scale With Screen Size.

Then we set a reference resolution, in my case I’m going to use 1920×1080, as shown in figure 24.

inspector de unity 3d con un gameobject tipo texto seleccionado. Escena de juego con un atardecer, suelo de cesped y un boton que dice start game.
Fig. 24: Let’s set the reference resolution to 1920×1080.

We must now adjust all the elements so that they look good for that reference resolution.

inspector de unity 3d con un gameobject tipo boton seleccionado. Escena de juego con un atardecer, suelo de cesped y un boton que dice start game.
Fig. 25: It is observed that we must correct the size of the elements.
inspector de unity 3d con un gameobject tipo boton seleccionado. Escena de juego con un atardecer, suelo de cesped y un boton que dice start game.
Fig. 26: Using the Rect Transform component we adjust the size of the element.

Adjusting the canvas scaler is something that would have been better to do from the beginning, but in this labyrinth series we’re showing all the elements we count on to make a game in Unity, it didn’t make sense to show the canvas scaler before showing the canvas and its elements first.

inspector de unity 3d con un gameobject tipo texto seleccionado. Escena de juego con un atardecer, suelo de cesped y un boton que dice start game.
Fig. 27: We adjust the font size to taste.

Once we have adjusted the elements to the new reference resolution, we can observe the behavior of the Canvas Scaler, selecting Free Aspect for the aspect ratio, using the drop-down menu we use in figure 1.

Then making the window wider or narrower we observe in figures 28 and 29 that the button becomes proportionally larger or smaller.

inspector de unity 3d con un gameobject tipo texto seleccionado. Escena de juego con un atardecer, suelo de cesped y un boton que dice start game.
Fig. 28: Let’s look at the Free Aspect option for the aspect ratio. As in figure 11.
inspector de unity 3d con un gameobject tipo texto seleccionado. Escena de juego con un atardecer, suelo de cesped y un boton que dice start game.
Fig. 29: Changing the width of the window shows that the button changes its size proportionally.

The last thing we do is create a new resolution for the game window. FullHD 1920×1080.

This resolution is only for viewing in the editor, it has nothing to do with the resolution that the executable game will have.

definir una resolucion para la ventana juego de unity 3d para visualizar la interfaz grafica creada para nuestro juego
Fig. 30: We add a resolution of 1920×1080 to have reference in the game window.


In this article we have reviewed the key points to create a simple graphical user interface, i.e. the minimum necessary elements that the player needs to see to use the game.

The basic element of the graphical interface in Unity is the Canvas, inside the other elements will be placed.

The “Canvas Scaler” provides us with a simple solution for adapting the graphical interface to different resolutions.

As the project has not yet advanced much, the game still does not have more functionality than placing the character on the stage. Later on we’ll have to include more elements in the interface and probably create more screens.

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